Turns 20! Site Renovation In Progress turns 20 years old this year! I originally launched this site in 2000, and it didn’t always used to be this big. It was originally only intended to showcase my humble memorabilia collection, but I decided to expand the web site because there wasn’t a lot of information out on the Internet back then about this movie. Oh, how times have changed…

As part of my “20 year celebration”, I’m in the process of completely renovating the entire web site. Under the hood, some of this website’s code was literally 20 years old… that’s ancient for a website! I’m doing away with all remnants of HTML 3.2 and 4.01, nested tables, and all those other messy hacks left over from before the days of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Wanna see what this site used to look like? Head over to my Old Sites page for all the gory details.

In this new world of web design, I’m replacing all site code with pure HTML5, CSS3 and responsive design for mobile devices. I’ve also completed the transition to SSL (using https:// rather than the insecure http://). This has all been quite the learning experience, and I feel that I’ve merely scratched the surface.

I’m also going through all my old content and updating links where I can, and pruning dead links to sites long gone (another side effect of having such a long-running site… apparently I’ve outlived a lot of other sites out there!)

Anyways, I hope you like it! Feedback is always welcome. This is a work in progress, so pages are being updated one at a time. There are well over 100 pages on this site, so I expect it to take several more weeks at least!

Be on the lookout for more updates and improvements in the near future!