On June 10, it was reported that some Disney fans were petitioning Disney to re-theme Splash Mountain to a ride based on The Princess and the Frog instead, and remove all traces of Song of the South due to its “racist” content. Song of the South was last released theatrically in the United States in 1986, a few years before Splash Mountain’s grand opening at Disneyland in 1989. The ride proved so popular that 2 additional locations at Walt Disney World and Tokyo Disneyland were opened in 1992.
Today, the Disney Parks Twitter account has tweeted the following:
“We’re thrilled to share Splash Mountain at @Disneyland & @WaltDisneyWorld will be completely reimagined with a new story inspired by an all-time favorite @DisneyAnimation film, “The Princess and the Frog.” Learn about what Imagineers have in development: https://bit.ly/3hUY0Gq“
The petition to re-theme Splash Mountain to The Princess and the Frog had gained 21,383 signatures before “declaring victory” (no more signatures can be added).
Meanwhile, a counter-petition “To Save Splash Mountain and keep it as it is in Magic Kingdom and Disneyland” has garnered over 40,000 signatures so far.
So far there have not been any mention of plans to re-theme the third Splash Mountain location at Tokyo Disneyland.